WebAssembly Today ✍️ #11
Updates & commentaries on WebAssembly related technologies, including Rust, serverless, cloud, blockchain, and AI. Focus on the server-side.
Editorial: A new benchmark shows Rust is much faster than Python (but you already knew that). Deno and Rocket.rs are now upgraded to support stable Rust. Don't miss WebAssembly and Rust in upcoming tech events!
WebAssembly Today
Explore WASM in the cloud 👀

ExploreWASM is an upcoming online workshop that focuses on WebAssembly use cases and frameworks for cloud computing. It will be held from August 6th, 2020. It is free. Do not miss it.
WAFlash: WebAssembly Flash 👏

WAFlash is a WebAssembly Flash compatible player built with Emscripten. It supports both ActionScript 3.0 and ActionScript 2.0. You can upload your SWF files to play in the browser. WebAssembly resurrects Flash.
WASC: an efficient WebAssembly to RISC-V AOT compiler 💪

WASC is a WebAssembly AOT compiler, translating the WebAssembly code into the machine (x86 and RISC-V) code.
The primary purpose of WASC is to provide a platform that can support more contract programming languages for blockchain virtual machines that use RISC-V as the CPU instruction set.
Blazor WebAssembly vs. Angular: Client-Side Clash ✌️
If you want to create a single page web app, which technology will you use? The emerging Blazor WebAssembly or a more established stack like Angular or Vue?
Developer Lee Richardson shared his experience of building a simple web game and analyzed the difference between Blazor WebAssembly and Angular. If you prefer to C# on both client-side and server-side, then pick Blazor. How about you? Tell us your opinion.
Read a paper: Bringing the Web up to speed with WebAssembly 👅
Feel like papers are difficult to read? Developer Vivek Haldar walks you through Bring the Web up to Speed with WebAsssembly, a paper authored by developers from Google, Mozilla, Apple, and Microsoft. The paper talks about the reason WebAssembly was created and the advantages of WebAssembly.
Rusty news
Rust's CI is moving to GitHub Actions 🐙
The Rust compiler CI is now on Github Actions. From the post, there were 57 machines running to build Rust on all platforms, and each build takes 3-4 hours. This compiler is no joke!
Rust vs PyO3 vs Python 🤜

Performance Comparison: Rust vs. PyO3 vs Python. In short, with the --release mode, Rust could be 100 times faster than Python and about ten times faster than PyO3. This benchmark reminds the Machine Learning in Rust introduced in the previous newsletter, which also demonstrates machine learning in Rust could be 25x faster than Python.
Deno 1.2.1 is now released 🦀
Deno 1.2.1 is now released. It is now based on stable Rust 1.45.0
Rocket now compiles on stable Rust! 🚀
Following the release of Rust 1.45.0, Rocket.rs now compiles on stable Rust!
Easy Rust 🤖
Rust is beloved by many developers in different countries. However, Rust could also be challenging for non-native English speakers. Easy Rust is a book written by an American developer living in Korea for developers don't use English as the first language.
Could this easy introduction to Rust be suitable for kids as well?
so, a terminal interface for StackOverflow 🧐
so is a terminal-based StackOverflow client written in Rust. You could search for answers for all your programming questions without launching a web browser. Very cool.
The Rusty Days conference 🦀
The Rusty Days conference is a free online conference for Rust learning! It is happening this week.
Serverless World
Modeling business logic flows in serverless applications ✌️
This article takes customer reviews in e-commerce websites as an example showing how a serverless architecture can evolve due to changing requirements.